National Park and Travel Enthusiasts


We are the Mings, and we are working toward a goal to be able to adventure full time. We both have a passion for travel and would love to visit all 63 National Parks in the US. In our first year of marriage we have managed to visit 12 different Parks!

  • 5 Tips For Visiting Rocky Mountain National Park

    Top tips to make sure you get the most out of your visit to RMNP including how to navigate the Timed Entry System

  • Hiking Essentials Checklist

    Whether you’re a first timer or a seasoned hiker, here is our list of essential hiking gear

  • Top 6 Hikes in RMNP

    Here is our list of favorite hikes to do this year in Rocky Mountain National Park

“Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest - well, that is a choice.“

— Andy Andrews


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